Teaching Resources.

Our downloadable learning frameworks are designed to be a straightforward, go-to guide for Australian teachers who wish to implement key Indigenous ideas and beliefs within the classroom.

We welcome you to explore our resources below.

“All students can benefit from learning Indigenous languages and history. Truth-telling is not a contest of histories. It's not us versus them, which has too often been used to frame these debates in an educational context.”

~ The Honourable Ken Wyatt, Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs, The Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture, 2020


Australians have a shared history. For a number of reasons many are not aware of this and have only experienced one aspect of the history, culture, strengths, achievements, challenges and injustices that the custodians of this ancient land have experienced.

Education is the best way to improve the one lens approach to Australia and its people, and thus enrich the lives of us all.

Thus, these curriculum frameworks, lesson plans and resource lists were created and Empower To Teach was formed.

Designed to be a guide.

To provide guidance on implementing Indigenous culture, history and truth-telling in day-to-day curriculum and practice.

With a focus on the classroom learning, these resources aim to be beneficial to the entire school community in starting this important conversation.

Through their own experiences, the writers of Empower To Teach’s curriculum materials had previously schools with only a few  or no Indigenous students present in their classes. So, this was seen as an area in which Indigenous Education was lacking and where teachers would welcome clear guidelines and support. Its relevancy can also be applied to other settings as well, in which there are larger numbers of Indigenous students and more established  communities.

In accessing our resources, you join our community of like-minded educators, as well as stay updated of any updates, developments and changes to the resources packs. We encourage you to be an advocate for change within your own school community.

Download our resources.

Early childhood.

Access the curriculum framework and a lesson plan for Foundation to Year 2.


Access the curriculum framework and lesson plan samples for Years 3 to Year 6.


Access the curriculum framework and lesson plan samples for Years 7 to 10.

How to access our teaching resources:

  1. Register your details via the links above.

  2. An email will be sent to you to confirm your access & to download the file (zip file).

  3. Download the files in PDF format (includes active links!) to your computer

  4. Start using in your lesson planning and in the classroom

  5. Make a small donation for your access (optional but greatly appreciated). More info on how to support us.

  6. If you do not receive the email, please check your Spam Folder or ask your IT department to release the email (depends on spam filters in place), or on Google Suite / Gmail, please check your Promotions/Updates folders. If you still are having issues, please contact us.

For any questions about the resources, you can contact us via our online form, or view our FAQs, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Our Teaching Resources are written by: Winifred Madigan & Hannah Schaub

Example curriculum frameworks, designed by Empower To Teach’s digital team.

Why use these resources?

As the Honourable Ken Wyatt’s quote earlier understands — teachers are willing to teach Indigenous Education in an unbiased and even-handed way, but often feel they are ill- equipped to do so.

  • All forms of learning involve making mistakes and mistakes help us to learn, improve and grow. Teaching about Australia in a truthful way requires taking those tentative steps in a real & honest way while also leaning into the process.

  • Created to be clear and uncomplicated, these teaching resources have been designed to incorporated into current teaching rather than adding another layer to the already over-crowded curriculum.

  • Each curriculum framework and the sample lesson plan provides a comprehensive list of resources, while being careful not to inundate teachers with too many titles. Any quick search of the internet will indicate that it is very easy to find yourself drowning in choices. We aim to simplify this for you.

These curriculum frameworks and the sample lesson plans have been designed by teachers for teachers and are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).

Start, and continue, the conversation.

To engage students, and colleagues, in these concepts not only for today, but for the long-term too.

Education is the key to achieving the three main elements of the Uluru Statement From the HeartVoice, Treaty, Truth.

It takes all Australians to participate in educating ourselves and others about the true history of this land we all love.

We hope you find the teaching & education resources which have been created both useful and engaging.

‘We want to walk with you,
We don’t want to walk alone.’

Sir Douglas Nicholls

~ Winifred Madigan & Hannah Schaub, Empower To Teach writers team

What teachers are saying

"Our school has been fortunate to have had an association with Glenn over the last 3 years. During that time, Glenn has worked with our school community in a variety of ways. He has assisted us in introducing an Acknowledgement of Country to our weekly assemblies. As an indigenous artist, shared his expertise with our students in the Art room. As a community leader, engaged with our Year 5 & 6 students about leadership and responsibility. And as a Wiradjuri man, has provided an authentic connection to our teachers and students in the sharing of his knowledge and passion about our First Nations people.“

— Garry Collins, Principal of Glen Iris Primary School, Melbourne