Welcome to Empower To Teach.

The image that launched us… Sunset between Broken Hill and Wilcannia, NSW (Glenn Loughrey, 2021)


Empower To Teach is a response to the many teachers who ask (me), “How can I teach the indigenous history of this country and what is it ok for me to teach my students?” It is a response to the desire of teachers in all levels of education to further the process of reconciliation through the imparting of knowledge and understanding.

Empower To Teach puts the power to affect change in the classroom teachers’ hands by providing a curriculum framework, sample lesson plans and an extensive list of teacher resources, videos, interviews and more. It is a one stop shop of collaboration and empowerment allowing teachers to share their experiences, classroom activities, lesson plans, success and failures with each other.

Empower To Teach has been developed by teachers for teachers. It is simple and easy to follow and provides opportunities for teachers add their own research, information and twist to the story being told so that it comes alive for their students. It is not a definitive product but a starting point for the development of relative classroom resources by each teacher.

Empower To Teach offers opportunities for in-service training both on-line and in school and provides access to support if required.

We invite you to explore, discover and more through our website, Empower to Teach. Your feedback and input is greatly valued.

~ Glenn Loughrey, vicar, artist and founder behind Empower to Teach


Meet The Team: An Interview With Hannah Schaub